Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Angelina Jolie lookalike 'stabbed taxi driver' for refusing sex a third time

A TAXI driver claims a sex-crazed Angelina Jolie lookalike passenger stabbed him after he refused to have sex with her.

Romanian cabbie Nicolae Stan told police Luminita Perijoc - who models herself on Hollywood star Jolie - had already forced him at knifepoint to have intercourse and perform another sex act, The Daily Mail reports.

He claims Perijoc had asked him to help her with his bags but once inside her apartment she demanded sex.

When he refused she allegedly pulled out a knife and forced him to undress, Romanian media reported.

Police investigating his claims say the Perijoc's behaviour may have been down to the fact she was on medication at the time.

Mr Stan said that his life has been made a misery by pals giving him a hard time about the fact that he had turned down the beautiful double of the Hollywood star.

He said: 'It is terrible. I am now a local celebrity, every one is talking about me.

Read more at The Daily Mail.

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